Various Styles of Retaining Wall Blocks

Due to their low cost, ease of construction, ability to contour to any landscape whilst sustaining the vegetation and an increasing desire for aesthetically pleasing walls, retaining wall blocks are becoming more popular. Whether they are used for light erosion control, composite earth retaining requirements, or to add terraced levels to gardens, MVA Bricks will gladly advise you on how the style of retaining wall block can maximise their benefits.

Style Meets Function with Retaining Wall Blocks

Primarily, retaining wall blocks are installed on sloped areas preventing the earth from moving downhill due to erosion. As the blocks need to stave off gravity, the lateral force of the slope needs to be offset in the design of the retaining wall. Whether the retaining wall blocks from MVA Bricks are needed for attenuation ponds, embankments or cut slopes, our products come in a variety of functional styles to suit numerous retaining walling requirements.  

  1. MVA 7

With a rectangular shape, our MVA 7 flat-faced blocks are ideal for cut-and-fill walls in industrial, commercial and residential applications. The versatility of these blocks allows for three different types of configurations, namely open-faced, closed-face or open-face with sliders. The open-faced configuration is the most economical as fewer blocks per square metre are needed. Used together with slider panels in retaining wall designs, they serve the functional purpose of preventing slope erosion with the added benefit of multiple layout options. Our MVA 7 blocks are suitable for wall faces between 60 and 75 degrees but can be modified for 85-degree walls as well. The Rockface MVA 7 adds aesthetic appeal with a rocky face design that blends in beautifully with the natural landscape.

  1. MVA 13

With a hollow, half-moon design, the rounded shape of the MVA 13 blocks allows them to fit into the natural curve of the landscape. The closed-face configuration of these blocks makes them ideal for attenuation pond construction. The interlocking action of this product is ideal for angled slope walling between 60 to 90 degrees. As it is a heavier block, it has a greater load-bearing capacity. We specially manufacture coloured blocks for terraced landscape designs.   

  1. LokBlock

Unlike the half-moon and rectangular designs of our MVA 13 and MVA 7 retaining wall blocks, the LokBlock is cast as a solid concrete block with high compressive strength. Together with our base blocks, they provide much-needed structural support for retention wall construction over eight metres where heavy loads and high pressures require these special blocks. The tongue-and-groove design prevents geosynthetic creep by clamping the geofabric reinforcement laid between the blocks firmly in place. We recommend using them in an open-face configuration as this prevents the build-up of pore-water pressure behind the wall and allows plant growth.

retaining wall blocksBenefits of Retaining Wall Blocks

  • The hollow design styles of our MVA 7 and MVA 13 retaining blocks assist in preventing soil erosion on sloped landscapes by keeping the soil in place whilst allowing excess water to enter through the blocks preventing pooling.
  • In times of heavy rainfall, the water needs to be rerouted to prevent localised flooding. By constructing attenuation ponds with channelling pavers running adjacent to the wall, the flow of water can be slowed down making downstream drainage manageable.
  • Retaining wall blocks lend aesthetic appeal to a contoured landscape due to their design. Varying layout options create terraced gardens or break up sloped hills by adding levels. Planting flowers and plants in the hollow cut-outs add a touch of colour to any walled landscape.

Quality Products from MVA Bricks

Based in Pretoria and founded in 1995, MVA Bricks has had the privilege of supplying retaining wall blocks for numerous projects throughout the Gauteng area. We are enthusiastic about the design and application of our products in various projects, ensuring that we adhere to our best-practice production standards.

To find out more about our soon-to-be-launched Rockface MVA 13 as well as our Grass Link and Smart Step blocks, contact us.

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